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Facebook comments font color

Posted: 25 Dec 2010, 19:58
by MCCNash
Hi phoca team,

i love your work and you always do a great job. i have a short question. i just installed the facebook comments module on my page and i have some issues with the textcolor, can you help me how to change the color? i am not very good coder.
the important text to change is the one right next to the "like-button"
Be the first of your friends to like this.
and the same color is used for "logged in as" i would like to change this fontcolors for example to the same one like the "Post comment to my Facebook profile" fontcolor,

can you give me a tipp where to do it? thanks a lot


merry christmas everybody

Re: Facebook comments font color

Posted: 28 Dec 2010, 13:43
by Jan

1) in fact this is more a question on facebook developers as on Phoca :-(, because the text is rendered by facebook framework

2) Not sure, but maybe there are some conditions, which do not allow it, but really not sure, I have seen some topic in some forum where user wanted to change the style with help of javascript (because facebook code is loaded in iframe, so he wanted to change it with javascript), but there was some other users who told, this is not allowed ... but really don't know :idea:


Re: Facebook comments font color

Posted: 30 Dec 2010, 13:50
by MCCNash
thanks for the reply,

hmm that are bad news...i will keep looking, maybe even facebook is changing there implementation of the colors. i hope so...

but thanks for the help.

Re: Facebook comments font color

Posted: 30 Dec 2010, 16:37
by Jan

Re: Facebook comments font color

Posted: 15 Apr 2011, 23:35
by Diego
Hello, Thank you for developing such a great module.

In regards to changing the color of the comments for a dark theme template it is now possible.
I found it in the facebook documentation web site

I was wondering if you have time to incorporate this update in your great module or maybe please let me know if there is a fix that I can do manually in your module.

Thank you so very much.

Re: Facebook comments font color

Posted: 18 Apr 2011, 22:21
by Jan
Hi, thank you for this info, I will take a look at it, but really no idea when I will find time do it :-( ( )


Re: Facebook comments font color

Posted: 09 Jul 2011, 22:13
by sherinkapotein
FInally after a few hrs or brain mincing figured a way out

Log in to your Web Ftp and browse to the Joomla install
then go to "your_joomla_root_folder"/modules/mod_phoca_facebook_comments
open folder named tmpl
open default.php for editing
look for the line like this one

echo '<div class="pfbcc"><fb:comments href="'. $tmpl['uri'] .'" simple="1" '. $cCount.' width="'. (int)$tmpl['fb_comment_width'] .'"></fb:comments>'

Add a lil spice to this line to get your code working

echo '<div class="pfbcc"><fb:comments ' colorscheme="dark" href="'. $tmpl['uri'] .'" simple="1" '. $cCount.' width="'. (int)$tmpl['fb_comment_width'] .'"></fb:comments>'

note the addition of code colorscheme="dark" thats the buzz kill

Re: Facebook comments font color

Posted: 12 Jul 2011, 16:32
by Jan
Hi, thank you for the guide.


Re: Facebook comments font color

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 15:36
by Effendi
In case anyone would like to make change in the gallery component, it's here:
Just add colorscheme="dark" after <fb:comments tag. Looks great.

Phoca gallery is really amazing! :)

Re: Facebook comments font color

Posted: 05 Sep 2012, 03:11
by Frankster69
Hi everyone,

I too would like to change the colors. However, the solution of sherinkapotein does not work anymore, because the line he mentioned is commented out and not in use anymore in the current version of the plugin.

I've tried to poke around a little, but with no luck.

Anybody have a new idea for this?

kind regards,
