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Button Download Plugin error (Joomla 1.6)

Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 18:14
by dawn_192

I'm using Joomla 1.6 and installed the download module, the download plugin and download button plugin.
But when I activate the button plugin, I get an error from both frontend and backend when I want to create an article:

Code: Select all

Fatal error: Call to a member function getTemplate() on a non-object in /homepages/36/d294620711/htdocs/j3/plugins/editors-xtd/phocadownload/phocadownload.php on line 24
Your download system is really perfect for me and I hope someone can help =)

Re: Button Download Plugin error (Joomla 1.6)

Posted: 18 Jan 2011, 22:48
by Jan
Hi, there are no modules and plugins for Phoca Download 2 yet :idea:

Re: Button Download Plugin error (Joomla 1.6)

Posted: 24 Jan 2011, 17:59
by dawn_192
Ah Okay, I thought the Plugins should already work with Joomla1.6
Thanks for the response.

Is there a plan to include the "Download button" - Plugin for joomla 1.6 ?

This would be great and a huge help, cause I could allow some users to attach files from the frontend which is not possible from now.

Re: Button Download Plugin error (Joomla 1.6)

Posted: 24 Jan 2011, 18:13
by Jan
Hi, yes it is planned.

- first finishing the components for 1.6
- then overwritting all plugins and modules for 1.6
- then (this will take some time) make the button plugin working in frontend.

But all this takes some time as this is really time consuming :-(

Re: Button Download Plugin error (Joomla 1.6)

Posted: 26 Jan 2011, 04:15
by osnysantos
i really enjoyed the phoca download componente.
When i install the phoca plugin, i had the same error.
I can search for other component, but I prefer wait for your solution.
I would be grateful

Re: Button Download Plugin error (Joomla 1.6)

Posted: 07 Feb 2011, 22:15
by metRo_
But can i add a download file to a article without the button? If yes how!
Thanks :)

Re: Button Download Plugin error (Joomla 1.6)

Posted: 07 Feb 2011, 23:31
by Benno
No, therefore you need the Phoca Download Plugin v.2.0.0 and the Phoca Download Button Plugin v.2.0.0 to create valid code.
Wait a little bit...
Kind regards,

Re: Button Download Plugin error (Joomla 1.6)

Posted: 04 Mar 2011, 18:04
by dawn_192

I down*t want to grate on your nerves :) Just one Question:

Is there a rough time schedule abount finishing the download plugin (normal plugin or even button plugin) (for joomla 1.6)?
Would be great to know if this is planned to be done within a few weeks or several months..

kind regards

Re: Button Download Plugin error (Joomla 1.6)

Posted: 05 Mar 2011, 16:19
by Jan
Hi, yes it is planned but really don't know when I find the time for doing it. As I wrote everywhere in the forum, I spend all the time in year 2010 with overwriting the extensions to Joomla! 1.6 and it is very time demanding (to overwrite things which were developed for 5 years) and it is really hard to say when such or other plugin will be overwritten. Joomla! 1.6 itself is not ready yet (still changes there) so if you do something, in next version e.g. will not work ... this is what is slowing down the component finishing (+ new features like languages, ACL, etc.)

But the most time problem is changing the translation strings to new format, for example:

Phoca Gallery has cca 1400 language strings - so you need to create new 1400 language strings in INI file BUT you need to search cca 40.000 (maybe more) lines of code to replace new strings in the code.

So this is really the larage time problems - to check over 100.000 (maybe more) lines of code and replace the language strings there :-(

Mostly while overwriting the plugin to 1.6 I spend cca 90% of time with changing the language strings and chaning new Joomla! rules (like <params> are <fields> now and many other which in fact does not have any dependencies to the functions themeselves :-( )


Re: Button Download Plugin error (Joomla 1.6)

Posted: 06 Mar 2011, 07:42
by abdulhaleems
Thanks for this discussion, I also have the same problem
