[Feature] Title under image
Posted: 23 Jan 2011, 21:40
Based on 'Simple HTML DOM Parser' that I mentioned in other topic comes my other idea for improvement of this great plug-in.
Basically idea is using alt tag in img to render title in pdf under image. There are plug-ins for rendering this tag in joomla articles so I think it would be great if there is possibility to have this also in pdf.
Again you need to include simple_html_dom.php.
My modification
Of course in this case style of text is hard coded but I believe that I would be no problem to introduce styling options via GUI. Also possibility is to add selecting postion of text(top/bottom).
I hope that this feature would be useful and if there is enough interest it would get implemented in future releases.
Based on 'Simple HTML DOM Parser' that I mentioned in other topic comes my other idea for improvement of this great plug-in.
Basically idea is using alt tag in img to render title in pdf under image. There are plug-ins for rendering this tag in joomla articles so I think it would be great if there is possibility to have this also in pdf.
Again you need to include simple_html_dom.php.
My modification
Code: Select all
if ($content->display_image == 0) {
$pattern = '/<img(.*)>/Ui';
$replacement = '';
$documentOutput = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $documentOutput);
$html = str_get_html($documentOutput);
$internal_style_p = ' style="color:' . 'rgb(104, 144, 72)' .
';font-size:' . '8' . 'pt' .
';font-weight:' . 'normal' .
';font-style:' . 'normal' .
';text-align:' . 'left' .
';padding:' . '4' . "px " . '8' . "px" .
//Looking for all <img> elements
foreach($html->find('img') as $e)
$e->outertext = $e->outertext . '<br /><span' . $internal_style_p . '>' . $e->alt . '</span><br />';
$documentOutput = $html;
// Build the PDF Document string from the document buffer
$pdf->writeHTML($documentOutput , true);
I hope that this feature would be useful and if there is enough interest it would get implemented in future releases.