Font Upload To Phoca Font
Posted: 08 Feb 2011, 22:28
I don't know if I am posting this in the right forum category, but I couldn't find one for the Phoca Font component/plugin. I am looking for information on how to upload ttf/otf fonts to Phoca Font. I have tried uploading font folders and zipped font files but none seem to work. Can anyone tell me how it is done?
Your help is much appreciated.
I am running the latest version of the Phoca Font component and plugin (activated) on Joomla 1.5.22. The font I am trying to upload is "Frutiger" as ttf (MacOS) and otf.
Your help is much appreciated.
I am running the latest version of the Phoca Font component and plugin (activated) on Joomla 1.5.22. The font I am trying to upload is "Frutiger" as ttf (MacOS) and otf.