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Floom module works only with the first image in slideshow.

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 18:02
by tvwe

The Phoca Gallery Slideshow Floom module in my test site on localhost only once show the first image in the slideshow in Foom effect.
The following images appear, but not in Floom effect.
How can i show all the images in Floom effect.

I have the following intallation:
Joomla! 1.6.
Phoca t Joomla! 1.6 template.
Phoca Gallery Version 3.0.0 RC4.
Phoca Gallery Slideshow Module Floom.
IE explorer 8.

Thanks for your response.


Re: Floom module works only with the first image in slidesho

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 20:04
by Benno
Yes I confirm. This must be a browser poblem, because with Firefox & Chrome it works in my case.
Kind regards,

Re: Floom module works only with the first image in slidesho

Posted: 19 Feb 2011, 23:01
by tvwe
Hi Benno,

Thank you for respond,

Unfortunately, it does not work in: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera.
In all these 4 browsers I see a small wave of the image as the first image for the second time through the slideshow Floom module loaded.
All the same result, so may I have done something wrong, but what?
Have you any idea what could be wrong?


Re: Floom module works only with the first image in slidesho

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 11:26
by Benno
Have you any idea what could be wrong?
No, I have not, but I mailed Jan to have a look at this...
Kind regards,

Re: Floom module works only with the first image in slidesho

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 11:49
by tvwe
Hi Benno,

Thanks for your reaction,

I have taken some additional tests with module noob Phocagallery slideshow.
This module works correctly for all the slideshows that you can choose with: Fx Transition.
Perhaps the slideshow Floom can be integrated in module Noob: Fx Transition?


Re: Floom module works only with the first image in slidesho

Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 20:24
by Jan
Hi, for now I have detected that the floom has problems with IE (some mootools 1.3 / IE ) problem. Still waiting if there will be some solution by author of floom script (the problem of Joomla! is now the newest version of mootools :-) because most of the scripts are working ok in mootools 1.2). So there is a paradox situation :-) Joomla! 1.5 incluces too old mootools where you cannot use most of mootools scripts and Joomla! 1.6 includes too new mootools where the scripts are not tested well (of course the problem is caused by not standard browsers)

Testing the floom with all standard browser: works for me. :idea:
