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Gallery Plugin Pagination
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 07:26
by techclan
Hello All no matter what I set the list length to in my global configuration my content page still shows all 75 images using the Gallery Plugin. I have tried various templates just to make sure my template does not have an issue with pagination but same results.
I'm using Joomla 1.5.3 and Phoca 1.8.8 beta.
Any help would be appreciated. I love this plugin but without pagination it's almost useless for many images....
Re: Gallery Plugin Pagination
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 09:41
by Jan
Hi, if you use plugin (images in the article content), there is no pagination for images (you can set the limit but not pagination) because it is an article behaviour not Phoca Gallery component behaviour...
Re: Gallery Plugin Pagination
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 15:25
by techclan
Ok Thank you for the reply. I still think this application is awsome and deserves 5 stars.
Re: Gallery Plugin Pagination
Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 16:36
by Jan
Re: Gallery Plugin Pagination
Posted: 11 Jul 2008, 02:26
by MaXuS
and, isn't possible at least to have a dropdown list, to select the amount of pictures to show? Maybe I can set in the plugin code to show all the images of certain categorie, but in the dropdown the user could select the amount of pictures to show, maybe in ajax or something like that. Because I use phoca gallery to show a lot of picture, most of time more than 150 pictures, and it will look weird to have all the 150 pictures in the article.
Re: Gallery Plugin Pagination
Posted: 11 Jul 2008, 09:33
by caro84g
When you have 150 images, isn't it easier just to add a menulink with the component? Then you have pagination.
Otherwise you can make several articles with plugin and the 'limit' option
Re: Gallery Plugin Pagination
Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 19:20
by MaXuS
Yes, it's easier to add a menu link to the component, but I need to add a description of the event in the top, and phoca doesn't allow that, so I need to create an article with the plugin.
And what about the 'limit' option? How do I do that?
Re: Gallery Plugin Pagination
Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 19:23
by techclan
Re: Gallery Plugin Pagination
Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 19:36
by MaXuS
I mean the Limit option in the article, so it can create various pages with pictures of the event, not the limit option of the plugin to shoe just certain images.
Re: Gallery Plugin Pagination
Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 19:56
by techclan
There is no limit in the article using the plugin unless you manually define it via the plugin parameters and code.
You only have pagination and auto limit if you use the component which can be set in the Joomla's Global Configuration via the "List Length"