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Can I use same marker on more than 1 map?
Posted: 03 Mar 2011, 21:22
by jane_allison
I would like to use my "home" marker on more than one map. It seems that should be possible, but I can't see how. I have been re-creating it for every map.
Also, it would be nice to be able to set a default for whether I want the marker window open or not, rather than having to choose this every time.
Re: Can I use same marker on more than 1 map?
Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 20:31
by sd12013
This would be great! I'd like to have a "global" map that includes all of my locations but then also have regional maps with specific markers. Anyone have a code hack or a method of achieving this? Please?
Re: Can I use same marker on more than 1 map?
Posted: 26 Jul 2011, 18:47
by Jan
Hi, maybe I don't understand correctly, but you can paste a created marker to every map you need.

Re: Can I use same marker on more than 1 map?
Posted: 28 Jul 2011, 00:46
by sd12013
Maybe I'm missing something then?
In the marker details, I can only see an option of assigning it to a single map. And from the master listing or markers, I don't see an option to copy or paste a location to apply it to another map. I should mention I'm testing a J1.6 setup if that changes the available options.
It would be really sweet ( a feature request?

) if you had the option within the marker details page to assign the marker to multiple existing maps so we only had to manage a single database of locations.
Re: Can I use same marker on more than 1 map?
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 14:48
by Jan
Hi, for now the map can have a lot of markers but not reverse, the marker cannot be displayed on every map, ... this feature is planned, but there is a problem with table references. for now it is 1:N, but M:N can be a little bit confusing, will look at it.
Re: Can I use same marker on more than 1 map?
Posted: 01 Aug 2011, 17:47
by sd12013
Thanks for the consideration. Adding this to future versions would be invaluable.
Re: Can I use same marker on more than 1 map?
Posted: 22 Apr 2020, 23:25
by frog
I have just implemented phocamaps on my website and I was surprised that it was not possible to share the same marker in multiple maps...
9 years after Jane_allison 's question, I agree with her. This would be a great improvement.
Re: Can I use same marker on more than 1 map?
Posted: 23 Apr 2020, 17:47
by Jan
Hi, there are many reasons for this:
- simplicity (not needed specific database and php functions to work with M:N relationship)
- faster loading
- marker is assigned to one map and it shares the location with the map. It means, if you have one marker in two different maps, it can even happen that such marker will be not focused in some of the map (zoom - location covering)
- etc.
I think that is is similar question like why Joomla! article can be assigned to only one category. As creator of Phoca Cart component where products can be assigned to more categories, I can say, it is really no easy and there are problems which are very hard to solve (like unique product url in case product is stored in two categories - duplicity issues, ordering, etc.)

So this is the feature request which is written in feature request list, but it is not unambiguous it is should be realized or not