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error 500 - USER tab
Posted: 08 Mar 2011, 16:00
by riddell
Phoca download for Joomla 1.6 version 2.0.0 RC2
When I click USER I get this message:
500 - An error has occurred.
Column 'username' in order clause is ambiguous SQL=SELECT a.*, as file_id, as category_id, AS userid,........ etc.
Any ideas?
Re: error 500 - USER tab
Posted: 08 Mar 2011, 16:56
by riddell
For some reason that problem has disappeared. Now the USER tab shows but there are no users listed.
Re: error 500 - USER tab
Posted: 14 Mar 2011, 16:18
by Jan
Hi, you can see users in Joomla! user section, in Phoca Download, only users who have uploaded some file are listed.
Re: error 500 - USER tab
Posted: 03 Jul 2013, 10:28
by clubaero
Column 'username' in order clause is ambiguous ..... etc. Whenever I click go to 'uploads' via the Phocadownload component backend or whenever I try to upload a document from the frontend using a menu item which links to the Phocadownload component for uploading a document I get this long error message, which has something to do with a problem accessing the Phocadownload tables in my website database. The problem 'disappeared' for the person who first posted this problem. But there doesn't seem to be a solution yet?
I also get an error 503 on my hosted website when I try to download a document but on my localhost site running on WAMPserver the download works okay.
Re: error 500 - USER tab
Posted: 04 Jul 2013, 10:16
by Jan
Hi, if you get 503, try to ask your webhosting provider, what can be wrong there.
If you get 500, you can get error message by enabling php error reporting: ... rs-on-site