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Floom slideshow, module specific CSS style

Posted: 31 Mar 2011, 17:17
by vikreh
Hi thank you for your superb work. Everthing seems to be working as it is supposed to.

Although I have a question regarding customized styling of the Floom slideshow module. I tried setting a suffix class and a stylesheet in the backend of the module. But as far as I can see when I am using webdeveloper for firefox, the suffix class is not being redered in the code and the style in the code stays the same as before i applied the style.

1. Should I place the css file in a special location?

2. How can I place the Floom Module centered on the page when there is CSS styles redered inline of the code - these styles overrides my attempts in the template files? This maybe related to the first question.

(I am using the 960 grid with a container of 16, I have divided the container in three parts 2, 12 and 2. I placed the Floom module in the middle, but unless I fill the first left column Floom will default to stay all the way to the left, my guess it that, this is to be expected but I am not entirely sure. Any thoughts on that would be appreciated - maybe I have the nested divs wrong somehow. If the module would place itself inside of the centerd column then my problems would be solved.)

I am new to this and still learning alot - and I am having lots of fun.

Best Regards / Viktor Rehnqvist

Re: Floom slideshow, module specific CSS style

Posted: 07 Apr 2011, 12:55
by Jan

1) should be fixed in 1.0.3 - ... oom-module

2) maybe then you can style it with your own css (if 1 will work)
