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[Urgent] Reset orders datas before opening ?

Posted: 31 Mar 2011, 19:47
by Mister Paul

sorry for the [Urgent] but it is...
I hope your indulgence.

It's time to go online for our shop... :twisted:
So I'd like to clean all the database infos gathered during development tests.
I have already deleted dummies products but now I need to clean orders.

1°On backend I changed the order statuts to 'Pending'. And then deleted them. OK
2° With phpMyAdmin I see that `jos_vm_orders` is empty now.
But I should reinitialize increment by this SQL command :
3°But 3 tables created by Phoca are still with old datas :

Should I delete all the datas from these 3 tables and then reinitialize increment ?

Is it safe ?
No other tables to clean ?

Thanks for your help.

Re: [Urgent] Reset orders datas before opening ?

Posted: 07 Apr 2011, 12:31
by Jan
Hi, sorry, I think this is more VM question, you can delete all data from IDNR addon tables (see in guide which they are), if you want to clean all your VM data, then I think, you need to clean the order table but maybe some others too - but this is then question on VM forum :-( :idea:
