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missing the button

Posted: 12 Apr 2011, 11:28
by axtolf
Hi, I'm testing phoca on my site and want to use the phoca plugin to display some images in articles.
Unfortunately I can't see the button of phoca gallery in the editor of the arcticles. I've missed something in the procedure of installation?
I'm using the default editor that come with 1.6 of joomla!.
Thank you for your help

Re: missing the button

Posted: 12 Apr 2011, 20:26
by Benno
Phoca Gallery Button Plugin is a joomla v1.5 Plugin. It can not work with joomla v1.6
Kind regards,

Re: missing the button

Posted: 12 Apr 2011, 23:43
by axtolf
uhm I'm sure that I had missed something... thank you.
Is there any project to create a version for 1.6 in the next future?

Re: missing the button

Posted: 13 Apr 2011, 16:04
by Benno
Is there any project to create a version for 1.6
Yes, I think Jan the only developer of all this extensions will do this, but I don't know when.
Kind regards,