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Can't delete comments (FB Comments)

Posted: 08 May 2011, 09:14
by Gabx

I installed the mod, created the app, got the id, etc, everything fine, but when I try to delete a comment I just get a "report as spam" and "report abuse", it seems like it's not getting me as the admin for unknown reason!

Plz help :(

Re: Can't delete comments (FB Comments)

Posted: 08 May 2011, 11:58
by Gabx

I added:

Code: Select all

<meta property="fb:admins" content="USER_ID"/>
<meta property="fb:moderator" content="USER_ID"/>
<meta property='fb:app_id' content='APP_ID' />
To my script and it's working just fine!

Cya later! :)

Re: Can't delete comments (FB Comments)

Posted: 09 May 2011, 22:48
by Jan

Re: Can't delete comments (FB Comments)

Posted: 01 Mar 2012, 20:12
by RuneMykle

I'm sorry for reviving a Solved topic, but the topic is exactly what my problem is about.

I installed phoca gallery and enabled facebook comments as shown here; ... ca-gallery

Everything is working fine apart from being able to delete comments. I am sat up as admin on the application (Automatic as I created the app) and I'm connected as the same user in the Phoca Facebook admin in my backend, but still I see no options to remove comments anywhere.

The topic starter here found a solution by adding some code to a script, but I can't see where it says I'm supposed to create a script :) Anyhows, I hope you can help me with this as it's the last little thing to sort out before everything is working superb! :)

Re: Can't delete comments (FB Comments)

Posted: 02 Mar 2012, 00:31
by Jan
Hi, I have no other infos as described here: ... k-comments


Re: Can't delete comments (FB Comments)

Posted: 02 Mar 2012, 15:33
by RuneMykle
It's so strange.

I have the galley with facebook comments on three different pages/categories and it's actually showing up on one of them now! It's always something! :)

But why it shows up on only one of my three albums is beyond me. I only edited the index.php file which pretty much should cover all of my pages.

Another thing is that after I've made these changes my normal "Like" button is only showing up in my footer area on the pages with galleries, not on my front page as an example. Weirdest thing..

But thanks for your time anyways :)

Re: Can't delete comments (FB Comments)

Posted: 13 Mar 2013, 15:47
by zdaki
I have the same problem. I post two comments with two different accounts in category. One od them is admin. I can't see "moderation button" on my page, "category comments" in backend of phoca gallery is empty and in moderator view on "fb dev. page" I don't see anything comment. Can you help me to reslove this problem.

Re: Can't delete comments (FB Comments)

Posted: 16 Mar 2013, 02:47
by Jan
Hi, I think you need to ask Facebook developers for this issue :-( (as the comment displaying is in Facebook iframe - so all the managing happens on Facebook site :-( )
