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Phoca_Rhein | top menu | title description

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 22:56
by jupa
First, thank Phoca Team for such a great contribution to amateurs developers like me, as soon as I finish the website I will contribute you back :)

My question. I have installed the phoca_rhein template. But the one in your demo has a mini description below the title of each menu item of the TOP menu and also has a small image before each menu item title of the top menu.

I have been looking and searching how to do that, but I can not figure it out.
Any help it would be appreciated
Thanks in advance

Re: Phoca_Rhein | top menu | title description

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 23:11
by Jan
Hi, to display modules or module position in submenu you need to run Phoca Template component too, see: ... -component


Re: Phoca_Rhein | top menu | title description

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 23:29
by jupa
Thanks Jan for the quick response.
I allready have the "Phoca Template component". My question was not about sub-menus, was about the mini description shown immediately below a menu item title of the top menu.
For example in this themo page
The mini description under the "HOME" menu item of the top menu says: "Link to Home site" and has a nice house just before "HOME".
That is what I want to do, first place mini descriptions and then images.
Thanks :)

Re: Phoca_Rhein | top menu | title description

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 00:20
by Jan
Hi, this description you can set in:
Phoca Template component - Menus, editing menu, there is a description field.


Re: Phoca_Rhein | top menu | title description

Posted: 08 Jun 2011, 02:21
by jupa
Thanks Jan, It works!

The only problem is that there is an issue with the class property (I think) of the phoca template. After installing it and creating the columns and menu items it did not recognize the submenu width property (no matter the widht I chose, it displayed a fixed one) and did not display the arrow that shows that there is a submenu. But after a while it magically started working perfectly. I checked in another computer but it was still not showing the nice version. I unpublished then published the columns and returned to the ugly version in both computers. I thought of the caché but that is not it.
Any hint of what can be going on?

this is the site in case is useful:

Thanks in advance

Re: Phoca_Rhein | top menu | title description

Posted: 15 Jun 2011, 14:20
by Jan
Hmmm, no idea there :-(

Re: Phoca_Rhein | top menu | title description

Posted: 15 Jun 2011, 23:30
by jupa
I think that for some inexplainable reason, the Phoca template component is not assigning a class for the menu items with a submenu.

Inspecting the code of the Rhein site, it is possible to note two different classes for the TOP menu items:

-The one that does have a submenu has this one:
<a class="topmenulink mainParentBtn mainMenuParentBtn"...
for example the "PHOCA TEMPLATE COMPONENT" menu item

-The one that does not have a submenu has this:
<a class="topmenulink" href="...">
for example the "HOME" menu item.

In my website the class is: <a class="topmenulink" href="/"> for all the menu items, no matter if it has submenu or not. This is the same class of the "HOME" menu item in the Rhein template. Thus my menu item with submenus does not show the submenu classes.

Does any one suspect what could be the problem?
Has any one installed Phoca template component in joomla 1.6?

Re: Phoca_Rhein | top menu | title description

Posted: 16 Jun 2011, 00:24
by Jan
Has any one installed Phoca template component in joomla 1.6?
I have: - it is a joomla! 1.6 native template

but really no idea what can be wrong on your site :-( :-( :idea: