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Logo in two languages

Posted: 13 Jun 2011, 22:36
by ehm

First of all sorry for my english. It's not very good.:)

Second, thank you for great template. I am making my first web page, and I am using phoca rhein template. It's great.

I have dilemma over logo. can I have logo in two different languages, because I have page in two languages?
I mean, when I choose english , logo (text) will be in english, and when I choose other language, the logo appears in that language???
I'm thinking of making 2 logos (for each language), but how can I add it to different language? :idea:

Thank you.

Re: Logo in two languages

Posted: 16 Jun 2011, 00:10
by Jan
Hi, yes, then you need to do two images and do some if clause - get some info about the current language and then set the path to this language logo, but no experiences there, so not exactly advice :-(

Re: Logo in two languages

Posted: 16 Jun 2011, 22:43
by ehm
Ok. Thank you for your answer.