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This component can
Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 08:51
by baijianpeng
This component can't work if the file was not decopressed to the /libraries/joomla folder.
We all know that on Joomla! 1.0.x, those guestbook component can work well without extra library code. Why this time for Joomla! 1.5 we need a ?
You need not it sinc
Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 13:15
by Jan
You need not it since RC4. There are changes between RC3 and RC4. I did this component for latest SVN version and in this latest SVN version there is a new folder structure and new folder called 'mail'. This folder contain class for checking e-mails and will be in RC4 as a standard Joomla! framework part.
The is only for those user, they don't use latest SVN or Nightly Builds, because RC3 doesn't have this class in this folder yet...
It is only for testing... Normally, the class will be in stable Joomla! package, but now it isn't in RC3.
This is not extra library code, this is the future part of Joomla! standard framework
Understood. Thanks f
Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 14:19
by baijianpeng
Understood. Thanks for your help.
Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 14:29
by Jan