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(solved) start adress
Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 13:17
by jbd
can I also define the start adress? I will define a fix start adress and some target adresses.
kann ich irgendwie auch eine bestimmte Start Adresse definieren? Ich möchte gerne eine definierte Startadresse haben und einige Zieladressen.
Re: start adress
Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 23:51
by Jan
Hi, this must be customized in the code, e.g. add the address directly to the input and make the input not writable.
Re: (solved) start adress
Posted: 17 Sep 2011, 10:23
by Mariusz
Hi Jan !
Sorry for complaining, but can you explain me exactly what to do?
Where can I find the list of parametrs taht I could make the changes you suggested?
Please help me
Re: (solved) start adress
Posted: 18 Sep 2011, 05:20
by Mariusz
How to make an ctreated marker as a default start address in form maps option ?
Re: (solved) start adress
Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 23:14
by Jan
How to make an ctreated marker as a default start address in form maps option ?
sorry, I don't understand?
Re: (solved) start adress
Posted: 29 Sep 2011, 16:46
by xion10
I´m interested too. But i don´t understand your reply. Could you be more specific ?
I have a map with two markers. And i have configured the From : xxxx to : (drop down box with : Marker 1 and Marker 2)
The problem is that the drop down box default value is Marker 1.
But, I want that Marker 2 become the default value.
Lot of thanks.
Re: (solved) start adress
Posted: 29 Sep 2011, 17:27
by Jan
Hi, the ordering for the markers is missing yet, this will be added to the next version (search other similar posts to this) so then you will just order the markers and such way they will be displayed in the select box.