Markers not showing in IE7 & IE8 (PM2.0.2)
Posted: 01 Nov 2011, 16:49
Markers are not showing in IE7 & IE8 when using custom icons.
After debug the code the following was producing an error (the comma at the end does not belong):
File administrator/components/com_phocamaps/helpers/phocamapsmap.php Line 433 change from
Problem solved.
Markers are not showing in IE7 & IE8 when using custom icons.
After debug the code the following was producing an error (the comma at the end does not belong):
Code: Select all
var phocaImage3PlgPM1 = new google.maps.MarkerImage('');
var phocaImageShape3PlgPM1 = {
coord: [0,0,25,30],
type: 'rect',
File administrator/components/com_phocamaps/helpers/phocamapsmap.php Line 433 change from
Code: Select all
if (isset($iObjSh[0])) {$js.=' type: \''.$iObjSh[0].'\','."\n";} else { $js.=' \'\',';}
Code: Select all
if (isset($iObjSh[0])) {$js.=' type: \''.$iObjSh[0].'\''."\n";} else { $js.=' \'\'';}