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Phoca Download email notification

Posted: 02 Nov 2011, 11:07
by sjoemie1
Hi all, short question: where can I modify the email notification parameters? I receive an email when someone downloaded a file, but it's giving me only the name. I also want to see en email address and telephone number, but I do not know where to modify such settings.

Under Preferences in PD I only can select my name to send the mail to. Thanks in advance.

Re: Phoca Download email notification

Posted: 02 Nov 2011, 14:33
by Jan
Hi, this needs to be customized in code (the email function) or you can change the translation strings in language file.


Re: Phoca Download email notification

Posted: 02 Nov 2011, 15:17
by sjoemie1
Hi Jan, thanks for your quick reply, but I know I have to customize it in the code, but where? I search 2 phocadownload.php files (1 in public_html/components/com_phocadownload and the other in public_html/components/com_phocadownload/helpers) , but couldn't find it there....

I also looked for that functionality in phocaguestbook.php, but couldn't find it there either...

Re: Phoca Download email notification

Posted: 09 Nov 2011, 00:03
by tobisagt
open the file: "phocadownload.php" in "administrator/com_phocadownload/helpers/

The lines you are searching for are: 940 - 992

Re: Phoca Download email notification

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 13:06
by sjoemie1
Thanks. I found the file. What do I need to modify to get email and telephone information also in the email that will be sent after a file is downloaded?