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Rollover and automatic Thumbnail not working

Posted: 05 Nov 2011, 14:46
by Akkarin

I tried to use the Multithumb plugin to get a thumbnail in my download description. This did not work.
Then I tried to use the rollover of Joomla but this too did not work. Each time I save the file settings the rollover information gets lost.
Does someone has an idea why this happens and how could I get a thumbnail in my description which shows a big image by clicking on it or moving the cursor on it?


Re: Rollover and automatic Thumbnail not working

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 00:34
by Jan

Re: Rollover and automatic Thumbnail not working

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 23:59
by Akkarin
thanks for answering. I am not sure if I understand that article correctly. Does it mean that I have to use special code to use the Multithumb plugin to produce thumbnails in the text of the phocadownload plugin?


Re: Rollover and automatic Thumbnail not working

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 20:57
by Jan
You need to modify the description field from output of Phoca Download so it will accept content plugins.
