Cooliris on Joomla 1.5 shows no pictures
Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 14:16
To give some background, I had this component working as advertised. The problems started when I tried to use Filezilla to upload a picture to the pertinent phocagallery image folder. After uploading said picture, I refreshed my front end and did not see the new picture. I ended up deleteing all the pictures from the, backend, and here is where my problems started. I could no longer get any pictures to show up. I went so far as to uninstall Phocagallery and reinstall it to no avail.
I do have the crossdomain file in the root.
I have created the rss for cooliris.
I have see another thread viewtopic.php?f=31&t=14493 that sounds somewhat like my problem. Jan said to enter this sql command.
/** ALTER TABLE `jos_phocadownload` ADD `userid` int(11) NOT NULL Default '0' AFTER `description` ; **/
I went into phpMyadmin and entered the command. I got this message: #1146 - Table 'ivacamer_jo151.jos_phocadownload' doesn't exist. Is that part of my problem? I am kind of at a lost right now. I can provide more info if needed. The website is here ... &Itemid=61.
Backend Info:
Menu Item> Gallery with type Phocagallery >>cooliris3dwall
This menu item has the folder Gallery selected.
Phocagallery Categories> Gallery
Images> on the backend none show up, regardless of the fact that I uploaded a pic to the gallery folder nested inside the gallery folder of the phocagallery folder.
I do have the crossdomain file in the root.
I have created the rss for cooliris.
I have see another thread viewtopic.php?f=31&t=14493 that sounds somewhat like my problem. Jan said to enter this sql command.
/** ALTER TABLE `jos_phocadownload` ADD `userid` int(11) NOT NULL Default '0' AFTER `description` ; **/
I went into phpMyadmin and entered the command. I got this message: #1146 - Table 'ivacamer_jo151.jos_phocadownload' doesn't exist. Is that part of my problem? I am kind of at a lost right now. I can provide more info if needed. The website is here ... &Itemid=61.
Backend Info:
Menu Item> Gallery with type Phocagallery >>cooliris3dwall
This menu item has the folder Gallery selected.
Phocagallery Categories> Gallery
Images> on the backend none show up, regardless of the fact that I uploaded a pic to the gallery folder nested inside the gallery folder of the phocagallery folder.