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"Error building Admin Menus" error

Posted: 07 Dec 2011, 20:37
by tpod
Hello! I've recently had to completely reinstall Joomla 1.7 and needed to also reinstall both Phoca Download and Phoca Gallery.

However, when I attempt both, I receive an "Error building Admin Menus" error. I've installed other third-party components without any issue. It seems to actually install without any issues, but since it doesn't create any menus, I can't access it once I leave it.

Affected Installs:
Phoca Download 2.1.4
Phoca Gallery 3.1.1

I'm running Joomla 1.7.3, PHP Version 5.2.17
I've changed the Database Type to both MySQL and MYSQLi and neither changed anything.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: "Error building Admin Menus" error

Posted: 07 Dec 2011, 20:56
by tpod
Aha! Solved my own problems.

Because I had to reinstall Joomla, I'd gone in an reinserted some of the SQL tables, including the _menu table.

The problem was that there were pre-existing records for the various Phoca Download and Phoca Gallery Component menus.

I've reinstalled both after deleted the old records for COM_PHOCA* and SUCCESS!

I feel a bit embarrassed about this, but maybe my post will help folks in the future. :)


Re: "Error building Admin Menus" error

Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 18:31
by Jan

Re: "Error building Admin Menus" error

Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 22:50
by manwann
Hi. maybe the reason is that the extension was bad installed in the first try, then when we were re-installing the extension there still were some garbage in the database. anyway thanks, your solution was very helpful, it works for me.