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Small search sugestion

Posted: 12 Dec 2011, 15:56
by xquest
When we change in configuration "Display File View" from "no" to "yes" and after searching for a file "file001.doc" we receive a list of files. It would be great when we click on of them we get just only one file in "display file view" mode.

But it's not like this.

After clicking on file we get "list of files" from this category where this file is.

Re: Small search sugestion

Posted: 15 Dec 2011, 23:33
by Jan
Hi, if you disable SEF, is the Itemid still the same? Because Itemid (menu link id) sets the parameters

Re: Small search sugestion

Posted: 16 Dec 2011, 16:48
by xquest
After disabling SEF - it's better but the problem is still here. The good thing is that when can click on "download" I have new page with one file (before I have empty page (not blank)) - just because in file view mode after clicking on download You have new page with only one file. Before i had empy page. And I can realy download it.

But the little problem is when I search for a file.. when I have just only 1 resoult in searching and after clicking on this one link i have the list of files (but I would have "file view" of searched file (only one file after clicking).

It's steel doesn't work.

Thank You for helping,