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Posted: 16 Dec 2011, 17:52
by draexo
I am new. I have been trying to figure this out and read the instructions but can not find an answer.

I have installed the Phoca Download Component in Joomla 1.7.

Users think there are no files available because the Top Category shows 0, but if they click on it (why would they since there are no files there) all the subcategories show the true file count. Can I get an accurate top file count or disable the file count on the top category so users think to click on the link?

TOYOTA (0) - top category I would like it to display 15 files or none.
-Camery (6)
-Highlander (2)
-Prius (7)

Re: Subcategories

Posted: 16 Dec 2011, 20:43
by SonRiab
The count is "accurate" in the fact that you have no files in this category itself.
Enable this option: "Display Number of Files (Categories View - Header)".
Hopefully it would fulfill your needs.

Re: Subcategories

Posted: 16 Dec 2011, 21:08
by draexo
Thanks for your reply! It has helped me out somewhat!

Actually, I had to disable both this and the second categories view and now there is no file count in the categories.
The problem I have now is sub-sub categories are still displaying "accurate" file counts.
-4 door (0)
- GDI (3)
-non-GDI (3)
- 2 door (0)
-GDI (2)
-non-GDI (4)

I would be happy to remove the file count completely if I could.

Re: Subcategories

Posted: 16 Dec 2011, 22:05
by SonRiab
If you are not afraid of changing a php file you could do the following:
1. create these folders in your current template folder (e.g.: JOOMLAROOT/templates/beez5/) :
2. then unzip the on your local device
3. locate the site folder and navigate to views/category/tmpl
4. edit the default.php file and change the following line (109)

Code: Select all

echo ' <small>('.$valueSubCat->numdoc.')</small></div>' . "\n";

Code: Select all

echo ' </div>' . "\n";
5. upload it to JOOMLAROOT/templates/YOURTEMPLATE/html/com_phocadownload/catergory/default.php

This way you would not loose your changes when updating Phoca Download but you maybe have to update them separately too.

Re: Subcategories

Posted: 16 Dec 2011, 22:45
by draexo
This way you would not loose your changes when updating Phoca Download but you maybe have to update them separately too.[/quote]
I understand everything except this last part.
Do you mean that when a new version of Phocadownload is released, I may need to repeat this process, but that I should be fine to add files to Phocadownload.

Re: Subcategories

Posted: 16 Dec 2011, 23:56
by SonRiab
If you install an new version of Phoca Download it will update all needed files (which are for example located in components/com_phocadownload). Files located in templates/TEMPLATE/html/com_phocadownload will not be updated. These files are a nice option to "override" the default ones of every component/module/etc. But it could be possible that the new version have some great new features and you can't use them with your "override" so you have to modify/update them too. Hopefully this makes it a little bit clearer.

Re: Subcategories

Posted: 17 Dec 2011, 02:30
by draexo
Yes, I will try this solution. Thanks!