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User Upload / Kategorie

Posted: 19 Dec 2011, 15:23
by mfeske
I use the newest Version of Phoca download. Upload in the Backend is Okay, but in frontend I cant selct a Category and so I can´t upload a File.

What must I do to make a new User in The Phoca download Modul?


Re: User Upload / Kategorie

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 02:59
by SonRiab
1. Make sure that the user upload is generally allowed (see Options > User Upload).
2. Make sure that you set up the upload rights in each category. (Open/edit the category!)

Re: User Upload / Kategorie

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 11:04
by mfeske
Thanks, that was the Problem ;-) 1. and 2.
A nother Question, what must I do for Multiple Upload in Frontend?
In my Controlcenter theire is no User?!
I have upload a picture from forntend, but all times I must autoriozize in the Backend :-(

Re: User Upload / Kategorie

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 15:08
by SonRiab
You can set up Phoca Download not to wait for authorization. There is an option located in "User Upload". I am not sure how it is called in the English version, but in the German one it is (hopefully) called "Authorisierung erforderlich". (I am using my own translation! ;) )
The other point: As far as I know there is no multiple upload support for the frontend.
And if you want to change the ownership of a file you have to do it directly in the database (with phpmyadmin for example).

Re: User Upload / Kategorie

Posted: 27 Dec 2011, 21:44
by mfeske
New Problem :-(
For one Category its okay upload is in the special folder when i make the upload from frontend.
By another Category I didn´found the Function for upload in a special Folder an the upload is only in waiting to autorized position :-(

I didn´t found the Option for auto autorisation

Please help.


Re: User Upload / Kategorie

Posted: 28 Dec 2011, 12:51
by SonRiab
1. Open the Joomla Backend.
2. Open the Phoca Download control panel.
3. Open the options (located in the top right corner).
4. Open the "User Upload" tab.
5. Make sure the option "Enable User File Authorization" is set to "No".
6. Save the settings.
(7. Make sure the user have upload rights to the categories.)

Re: User Upload / Kategorie

Posted: 30 Dec 2011, 18:36
by mfeske
no :-( alll in the user center is of no but the file is not autorisied :-( Image Image sorry for screenshots from phoca gallery, but it is the same problem and in phoca download theire is it not possible to make a path for category Image

Re: User Upload / Kategorie

Posted: 30 Dec 2011, 20:52
by SonRiab
Phoca Gallery is not Phoca Download! :o

Re: User Upload / Kategorie

Posted: 31 Dec 2011, 16:04
by mfeske
Okay but the Problem is the same.
1) It is not possible to autori.... Files from frontend automaticaly
2) I don´t see the way to make a special uload path for a category.
Picture from User Center Phoca download
Picture form Category Phoca Download
Greetings Micha

Re: User Upload / Kategorie

Posted: 31 Dec 2011, 19:05
by SonRiab
1.) Machen wir das mal auf Deutsch! (^_^)
2.) Also "Mitglieder Datei Authorisation" ist eigentlich ok so mit "Nein". Es sollten alle Dateien ohne Administrator Authorisation freigegeben sein. Muss ich mal bei mir testen!
3.) User Uploads werden immer im "Userupload" Verzeichnis gespeichert. Es gibt soweit keine Möglichkeit einen speziellen Pfad anzugeben, in dem die Dateien gespeichert werden sollen.