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Slideshow Component Bug

Posted: 22 Dec 2011, 11:03
by GTvB

Joomla 1.7.3
Phoca Gallery 3.1.1 (New Intallation)

The slideshow of the component doesn't work at all. I see only a white window with the control buttons under it.

Using Firebug reveals the following :

slideroptions is not defined
[Bei diesem Fehler anhalten] if(slideroptions==2 || slideroptions==3 || slideroptions==4)

GTvB :!:

Re: Slideshow Component Bug

Posted: 26 Dec 2011, 16:32
by Jan
Hi, can I see it on live site (can you describe which version you are using, etc.) I am testing it without any problem :idea: Did you check all other javascript on your site, if there is no conflict?


Re: Slideshow Component Bug

Posted: 26 Dec 2011, 23:01
by GTvB
thx for reply,

I am new to Joomla and I don't know much about Java scripts.

I can give you access to my website but you have to register on my site.
How can i give you the informations, because I don't want to write this here ????

GTvB :)

Re: Slideshow Component Bug

Posted: 04 Jan 2012, 17:37
by Jan
Hi, I am not javascript expert, nor on scripts I didn't ever use, so you need to check your site (or somebody who has installed it) for javascript errors possible rendered by differents parts of your system. :idea: :( which then prevent from running all other javascript codes on your site.


Re: Slideshow Component Bug

Posted: 04 Jan 2012, 22:56
by GTvB
Hi Jan,

we don't know, if this problem is caused by a java conflict at all. It would be much easier, if you register on my site and check, what the problem is like. When it is really a java conflict, you can inform me and I will look for a java joomla expert.

Do you agree ? :o


Re: Slideshow Component Bug

Posted: 04 Jan 2012, 23:12
by GTvB
All I can see is the following :

in fbar.js :

/*JS Script FOR ChatBar*/

var mychat=new Array();
var mychatuname=new Array();

var chatinfoid=new Array();
var chatinfouname=new Array();
var chatinfoname=new Array();
var counterb=0;

var activebuttons = new Array();
var fbchatbar = 1;
var tempurlic = '';
/*For Slider*/
var negativemargin=0;
var calculateclicks=0;
var currentchatter;



if(gsCookie("jbactive")!= null)
var orderarr =gsCookie("jbactive").split(",");
var orderarr = new Array();
/* console.log(orderarr);*/
for(var i=0 ; i<orderarr.length ; i++)
for(var k=0 ; k<currentonlineunames.length ; k++)

/* if(readCookie("jb"+currentonlineunames[k]))
var cookieinfo = readCookie("jb"+currentonlineunames[k]);*/

/* }*/
if(slideroptions==2 || slideroptions==3 || slideroptions==4)
var slidercal=113.5*slideroptions;
jQuery("#jfb_stage").css({width: slidercal+'px'});


Slideroption is not defined

Maybe this may help you ....


Re: Slideshow Component Bug

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 19:10
by Jan
Hi, as written above, I am not javascript error and really cannot say what can be wrong in some external javascript code which I didn't made :-( this is more much a question on the javascript creator (really no idea who did the JS Script FOR ChatBar javascript :-( :idea: )


Re: Slideshow Component Bug

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 23:20
by GTvB
Hello Jan,

I have some more informations to this bug. I also use a component call JBolo (Chat for community builder). Part of this component is the Javascript fbar.js. When I disable JBolo, the phoca slideshow works fine.

As far as I can see with firebug (Jbolo enabled), each time I click on the slideshow of phoca gallery, a schedule of StartChatSession (Jbolo) is started, that leads to fbar.js and a error message. I think, its a kind of class conflict.

Can you do something with this new informations ????

GTvB :cry:

Re: Slideshow Component Bug

Posted: 13 Feb 2012, 12:13
by Jan
Hi, I think not :-(, as I am not the developer of the javascript so really cannot do there anything :-( (while using javascript, I am trying to care about all possible conflicts, e.g. when using jquery, jquery non conflict code is added, etc., but this is all I can do there :-( )
