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Can't download - permission issue

Posted: 23 Dec 2011, 17:42
by Earthson
I just updated my website to Joomla 1.7. Part of that process was to change the download permissions so that registered users could not download, but anyone set to AUTHOR(Piad Members) could. So, in each file, I set the permission to SPECIAL. Now, people with AUTHOR status cannot download anything. SPECIAL=AUTHOR,right?

What am I doing wrong?

And, what is the option for "Customer Access Level"?

Anyway, fast help would be highly appreciated. I am willing to pay to have some fast, one-on-one service. I need to get this sorted out asap, as my paying customers are not happy :x

Re: Can't download - permission issue

Posted: 25 Dec 2011, 09:08
by SonRiab
I've tested it on my site and for me it works as expected. Which version of Phoca Download do you use?
Could you please check in the Joomla Backend if the author group still has the access level "Special".
And what do you mean with "What is the option for Customer Access Level"?

Re: Can't download - permission issue

Posted: 26 Dec 2011, 16:40
by Earthson
Ok, problem solved. In Joomla 1.7.3 I went into USERS>ACCESS LEVELS>>SPECIAL. For some reason it defaulted to only include Manager, Administrator, and Super Users. I checked off the box for Author, and all works fine.

I wonder why it was like that? In Joomla 1.5, Author was part of the Special group. Oh well :)

Re: Can't download - permission issue

Posted: 26 Dec 2011, 17:28
by SonRiab
Oh good to hear! Maybe you could make a donation to Phoca to support Jan's work! ;)

Re: Can't download - permission issue

Posted: 26 Dec 2011, 18:44
by Earthson
I have donated in the past...and I would consider doing it again :) It is an excellent component :)