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Documents not showing on frontend management

Posted: 28 Dec 2011, 22:12
by stblink

Phocagallery 2.1.1.

I created categories and uploaded documents via backend using an admin account.
Created a link on the frontend (only available to admin) to allow document management.

The problem here is that when i access that link via frontend, there are no uploaded files, so the user wont be allowed to manage it from the frontend.

any way to do this? I access it using the same user.


Re: Documents not showing on frontend management

Posted: 28 Dec 2011, 23:43
by SonRiab
If you uploaded the files in backend no user is assigned to them, so you could not manage them in the frontend.
The only way to manage them without uploading them in the frontend again is to directly edit the owner_id in the database (for example with phpmyadmin). The meta informations of each file are located in the YOURPREFIX_phocadownload table.

Re: Documents not showing on frontend management

Posted: 29 Dec 2011, 02:01
by stblink
Sorry for the "stupid" question:

Isn't the owner_id associated to the joomla user_id ?

Sorry to hear that a superadmin is considered a "different" user beetween backend and frontend. Of course all can say "hey, why don't you update on the backend?" and the answer is "sure".

But the website is for a customer and will be all updated via frontend, which will be much easier to update. Not going to talk about the fact that phocagallery does not allow bulk upload via frontend, i understand it hasn't(or can't) be accomplished.

But i will upload bulk gallery's via backend and the user can't manage them via frontend. I think this a "bug"... because it does not cover the fact i just wrote above.

Sorry to bring up phocagallery example to the phocadownload forum, but this should be fixed for both of them.

Don't consider this a demanding, i'm not mad but as a phoca donator i know its a very good component, both of them... just pointing some facts.

Thanks SoRiab for your answer, i will need to do that everytime i add a gallery, hope it's fixed on next release.

Re: Documents not showing on frontend management

Posted: 29 Dec 2011, 08:45
by SonRiab
Yes, the owner_id is associated with the joomla user_id! But the owner_id is not set when uploading in the backend. I don't know why. Maybe Jan could say something about this fact.

Re: Documents not showing on frontend management

Posted: 29 Dec 2011, 18:37
by stblink

Hope Phoca Team may include it on next releases. I don't know much about php but i believe this should be only a few lines of code.

Re: Documents not showing on frontend management

Posted: 04 Jan 2012, 23:29
by Jan
Hi, it is only frontend feature - to know who is uploading which image in frontend and who added e.g. new album etc. In backend you have the administrating rule. E.g. administrator can correct albums from users, etc. and e.g. if administrator will correct it - the image should not be moved to administrator album, etc.
