User Access problems
Posted: 11 Jan 2012, 18:24
I have been struggling with this issue for 2 days now so I'm looking for some help. First some background:
Joomla : 1.7.3
Phoca Download: 2.1.4
The site is for a local primary school and I am creating for free in my own time, so not commercial.
My site has 3 main folders each with several sub folders.
There are 13 users:
Superadmin (Me)
Head (The head teacher who has access to all articles. menus etc but is not a Superuser)
Admin (The admin office staff who have access to a subset of the Head's articles)
Staff (Who have access only to their own articles)
The scenario is as follows:
Public - Must be able to see and download all documents.
Staff - Can upload, edit, delete documents but only in their own 'Classes' or 'Groups' folders.
Admin- Can upload, edit, delete documents but only in 'General' folders.
Head - Can upload, edit, delete documents in all folders.
Superadmin - Same as Head.
For the sake of this post I will use the following usernames: staffuser, headuser, adminuser, superuser.
Problem 1
From the backend I set the category 'General' as follows:
Access: Public
Access Rights: Headuser, Adminuser, Superuser
Upload Rights: Headuser, Adminuser, Superuser
Delete Rights: Headuser, Adminuser, Superuser
Now to my mind this should let the public see and download any file whilst allowing the 3 named users frontend access to the same files. What actually happens is that the Public see the error "You have no rights to access this category".
If I change 'Access Rights' to 'All registered users' then the Public do not get the error. It seems to me that there is a conflict between the settings 'Access' and 'Access Rights'. If I understand correctly 'Access' should only affect who is allowed to view/download the files in the frontend, i.e. Public or Registered Users. 'Access Rights' controls who can view/edit files from the registered users as set in 'Options>>General>>Access Level - Registered Users'.
A workaround is to change 'Access Rights' to 'All registered users', but of course Public users are not registered so why does that work?
Problem 2
From the backend I set the category 'Classes:Class 1' as follows:
Access: Public
Access Rights: Headuser, Adminuser, Superuser, Staffuser1, Staffuser2
Upload Rights: Headuser, Adminuser, Superuser, Staffuser1, Staffuser2
Delete Rights: Headuser, Adminuser, Superuser, Staffuser1, Staffuser2
You will see that 2 teachers have access to the same folder. This is because some class teachers 'job share' so both need to access the same folder. The problem is that if Staffuser1 uploads a file, when Staffuser2 logs in the file is not shown to them and vice versa. I need both Staffuser1 and Staffuser2 to be able to see all files in the Class 1 folder.
Really sorry for the large amount of details but I hope it will help with finding a fix.
Thanks for any help you offer.
I have been struggling with this issue for 2 days now so I'm looking for some help. First some background:
Joomla : 1.7.3
Phoca Download: 2.1.4
The site is for a local primary school and I am creating for free in my own time, so not commercial.
My site has 3 main folders each with several sub folders.
There are 13 users:
Superadmin (Me)
Head (The head teacher who has access to all articles. menus etc but is not a Superuser)
Admin (The admin office staff who have access to a subset of the Head's articles)
Staff (Who have access only to their own articles)
The scenario is as follows:
Public - Must be able to see and download all documents.
Staff - Can upload, edit, delete documents but only in their own 'Classes' or 'Groups' folders.
Admin- Can upload, edit, delete documents but only in 'General' folders.
Head - Can upload, edit, delete documents in all folders.
Superadmin - Same as Head.
For the sake of this post I will use the following usernames: staffuser, headuser, adminuser, superuser.
Problem 1
From the backend I set the category 'General' as follows:
Access: Public
Access Rights: Headuser, Adminuser, Superuser
Upload Rights: Headuser, Adminuser, Superuser
Delete Rights: Headuser, Adminuser, Superuser
Now to my mind this should let the public see and download any file whilst allowing the 3 named users frontend access to the same files. What actually happens is that the Public see the error "You have no rights to access this category".
If I change 'Access Rights' to 'All registered users' then the Public do not get the error. It seems to me that there is a conflict between the settings 'Access' and 'Access Rights'. If I understand correctly 'Access' should only affect who is allowed to view/download the files in the frontend, i.e. Public or Registered Users. 'Access Rights' controls who can view/edit files from the registered users as set in 'Options>>General>>Access Level - Registered Users'.
A workaround is to change 'Access Rights' to 'All registered users', but of course Public users are not registered so why does that work?
Problem 2
From the backend I set the category 'Classes:Class 1' as follows:
Access: Public
Access Rights: Headuser, Adminuser, Superuser, Staffuser1, Staffuser2
Upload Rights: Headuser, Adminuser, Superuser, Staffuser1, Staffuser2
Delete Rights: Headuser, Adminuser, Superuser, Staffuser1, Staffuser2
You will see that 2 teachers have access to the same folder. This is because some class teachers 'job share' so both need to access the same folder. The problem is that if Staffuser1 uploads a file, when Staffuser2 logs in the file is not shown to them and vice versa. I need both Staffuser1 and Staffuser2 to be able to see all files in the Class 1 folder.
Really sorry for the large amount of details but I hope it will help with finding a fix.
Thanks for any help you offer.