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Trouble with point 5. of the instruction ..(invoice,Delivery

Posted: 07 Sep 2008, 16:17
by bheppner
Hello together,

I am using Joomla 1.5+ VirtueMart 1.1.2 stable and tried to install the phoca-addon for virtuemart...point 1 to 4 of the instructions seems to work..but when I follow point 5. of instruction by putting an additional comma at the end of the origin-script of english.php before adding the "delivery"-script...i get an error like " unexpected comma"

Anybody here an useful idea...maybe you can show me your complete english.php so that I can see my error..

thanks from germany

Re: Trouble with point 5. of the instruction ..(invoice,Delivery

Posted: 07 Sep 2008, 21:13
by Jan
Hi, there is a comma on wrong place or there is missed a comma, so please check the first line or last line of pasted code in language file...

Re: Trouble with point 5. of the instruction ..(invoice,Delivery

Posted: 08 Sep 2008, 09:41
by bheppner
Hey Jan,

thanks for your help. If I understand right, I have to put the comma after the last line before inserting your script. But it doesn´t work.

Could you please post the complete english.php, so that I can compare and find my mistake ?


Re: Trouble with point 5. of the instruction ..(invoice,Delivery

Posted: 08 Sep 2008, 23:36
by Jan
hi, the english php is to long, please send me an email and I will send it to you, Jan ( info[at]phoca[dot]cz )

Re: Trouble with point 5. of the instruction ..(invoice,Delivery

Posted: 10 Sep 2008, 12:22
by bheppner
Hey Jan,

thanks for sending me the english.php by e-mail. Now the script for Invoice/Delivery Note works fine.
I will have to translate this into german and if you want I can give the german version to you.

If there also should exist a german version, please tell me before the weekend :-)


Re: Trouble with point 5. of the instruction ..(invoice,Delivery

Posted: 10 Sep 2008, 12:30
by Jan

Re: Trouble with point 5. of the instruction ..(invoice,Delivery

Posted: 10 Sep 2008, 20:30
by bheppner
Hey Jan,

thanks for the link, but where should I put the language so that the admin-backend shows information in german.


Re: Trouble with point 5. of the instruction ..(invoice,Delivery

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 15:56
by Jan
you should copy the strings from this file and add the as the english strings into german/common file...
