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Play button opens modal window with categories in.

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 18:52
by jmon

Thank you for such a great component. I just have one problem with it and I've been searching the forum for a few days now and can't find an answer. I am a Joomla/Phoca newbie with no coding experience so please bear with me!

I'm using Joomla 1.5.23 and Phoca Download 1.3.9 and I'm also running sh404sef.

I believe that MP3 is an allowable file type, but when I try to play an MP3 file the play button opens a modal window with the categories in instead of playing the file. There is no problem downloading the file. When you hover over the play button it seems to link to /downloads/?tmpl=component

I have added the filename to the "Filename - Play:" box in the file settings. The file is in the phocadownload directory.

I thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

Re: Play button opens modal window with categories in.

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 19:56
by Jan
Hi, does it work it correct without SEF enabled - does it work correct with core SEF in Joomla! - if yes, then it needs to be done some settings in your SEF solution, but I don't know it so cannot give any advice :-(


Re: Play button opens modal window with categories in.

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 22:11
by jmon
Hi Jan,

Thanks for quick reply. Yes it does work with sh404sef disabled. Not sure why as have installed phoca download plugin. When it is off the play button links to /downloads/play/filename.html?tmpl=component

Can still preview pdf files in modal window which is strange.

Re: Play button opens modal window with categories in.

Posted: 19 Jan 2012, 18:05
by Jan
Hi, the problem is I don't know sh404sef so in fact cannot give any clue advice there :-( :-(


Re: Play button opens modal window with categories in.

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 04:52
by bluebeep
Need a plugin for sh404sef to do this I believe. There is a guy who made one but it 'almost' does the trick and it's only for J1.5 I think. Even though the plugin has had thousands of hits no one seems to think it's important enough to make one. We need help! Doesn't anyone think of their SEF that uses Phoca? heh

Here's the plugin it still works on 1.7 for me: