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Feature Clarification

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 19:08
by tbird
I am looking at Phoca Download to provide a secure access document library for pdf, doc and xls files. I have a couple of questions:-

1. Can the system provide users with a list of New documents either since the user last logged in or in the last 7 days regardless of the document category?
2. Can a user Search documents?
3. Does the e-mail facility send an email to a designated user each time that a document is dowloaded?
4. Is it possible to get Statistics showing when a user logs on and off the system?

What is the advantage of installing this with Joomla 1.7 rather than 1.5?

Thanks for anyones help.


Re: Feature Clarification

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 19:55
by Jan

1) generally - it displays newly added documents - for counting it by specific users, this needs to be customized
2) there is phoca download search plugin:
3) yes - can be set in parameters
4) this is a Joomla! question, I think :idea:

1.7 - new features, no problems while migrating, etc.