I want to fire a plugin on Phoda Download new file add
Posted: 24 Jan 2012, 13:32
Hi, Jan.
Does PD register an event on addind a new file? My quick code examination says it doesn't, but I'm not sure.
What I want. I've created a small plugin which notifies users via email when an article is added/published/edited at a web-site. But a user asks the plugin to notify him when a new file is uploaded. So if there were en event like onPhocaDownloadFileEdit or something like this, this request would be possible to fit.

Does PD register an event on addind a new file? My quick code examination says it doesn't, but I'm not sure.
What I want. I've created a small plugin which notifies users via email when an article is added/published/edited at a web-site. But a user asks the plugin to notify him when a new file is uploaded. So if there were en event like onPhocaDownloadFileEdit or something like this, this request would be possible to fit.