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The admin uploads do no list anywhere, only user's

Posted: 26 Jan 2012, 03:08
by arturictus
I can upload with super user but it doesn't appear. no front-end no back-end, ????????
and if I do it with and registered user its all fine, it's like my phoca do not list the "phocadownload" and it does with "phocadownload/userupload"????.
I had a installation problem and I had to white insert manually the queries in mySql, all looked fine except that. did I forged a line????
Where can I had this directory???


Re: The admin uploads do no list anywhere, only user's

Posted: 28 Jan 2012, 02:26
by SonRiab
Uploading them in the backend isn't enough! You have to add them in the file view:
- click New
- choose the right file in the file field
- fill out the other parts of needed
- Save
And now the file is listed in the backend!