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Catagories not visible

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 14:52
by bollenboer
Joomla 1.7 website
Menu item (catagory view or file view) generates the the message :You have no rights to acces this catagory.
This messages is not relevant for me as super user.
How to solve this ?

Re: Catagories not visible

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 17:30
by Jan
Hi, just check the category if there is no access right for some selected user - in such case you as su are not able to see them in frontend, in frontend su is taken as normal user.


Re: Catagories not visible

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 22:22
by bollenboer
Jan, there are no access rights for a specific user
I have created 10 categories, they all have the 'Public' access rights and the language is 'All'
Also the 10 categories are published (no parent/child categories)

why I can't see them?

Re: Catagories not visible

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 23:20
by bollenboer
Jan it is fixed :-)

In the Access rights there are 3 possibilities:
- all registered users
- nobody
- specific users

this option was set to the specific users because I thought there are no users at my site, everyone may see the categories
but that option is not in the list !!!!
Now I have to select the Access rights to "all registered users" !!!! its strange but it works ?!?!?!
Why not a selection "all users/visitors"

case closed

Re: Catagories not visible

Posted: 15 Feb 2012, 23:08
by Jan
Hi, all users, means you will select nobody (nothing), there all users are able to access it.
