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Backend Manager Access
Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 13:31
by iamalive
Hi Jan
I've configured this component to provide upload access for managers. That works fine in the frontend, but I'd like that to be available in the backend too. However, I can't get the component to appear in the dropdown component list in the backend.
Any ideas?
Re: Backend Manager Access
Posted: 21 Feb 2012, 22:06
by Jan
Re: Backend Manager Access
Posted: 21 Feb 2012, 22:34
by iamalive
Hi Jan
Thanks for the tip, but that isn't the Problem.
The Admin menu is being created, but it's only available at Admin and above levels. I want to be able to allow someone with ACL rights of a manager to be able to add items, but for this group the admin menu item is not shown.
I can't find anywhere in the component, where I can exploit the new ACL to define who can do waht.
Regards and thanks for any further help.
Re: Backend Manager Access
Posted: 22 Feb 2012, 00:25
by Jan
Hi, the menu should be displayed normally, in case the user has access to the component

Re: Backend Manager Access
Posted: 22 Feb 2012, 00:46
by iamalive
Hi again.
This is how I've set the permissions for managers:
and this is what I get in the list:
See what I mean?
Re: Backend Manager Access
Posted: 22 Feb 2012, 01:03
by Jan
Hi, they are not able to manage the component:
Komponente konfigurieren: nicht erlaubt
Verwalten: nicht erlaubt
Re: Backend Manager Access
Posted: 22 Feb 2012, 10:19
by iamalive
I though that meant they can't change settings - not that they can't upload stuff.
Well that explains it.
Thanks for your help - sorry if I wasted your time.