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Problems with upload and userupload

Posted: 17 Feb 2012, 00:05
by uhwhv
Hi to all,

I use phoca download and have problems with upload (admin) and userupload.
In option I habe change the max upload size (admin + user) to 30MB (31457280).
It shows 30MB in options -> it is Ok, but nothing happens.
I will upload a PDF File of 14MB it is not possible.
When I upload a small file (e.g. 300KB) it works fine.

Can anybody help?
Is there an error?

best regards

Re: Problems with upload and userupload

Posted: 21 Feb 2012, 22:03
by Jan
Hi, check similar posts in this forum, mostly check if your server has no limitation for this.


Re: Problems with upload and userupload

Posted: 10 Mar 2012, 08:29
by uhwhv
Hi Jan,

I have tested the problem by two different providers and by the local xampp. It´s impossible to upload a big file.
My file is 13MB, my administrator and user limit is 30MB and I tested with 300MB too. The error message is: Unable to upload file. Tested with different files
Small files (lower 3 MB) is no problem.

I use:
joomla 2.51
phoca download 2.1.6


Re: Problems with upload and userupload

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 20:30
by Jan
Hi, try to see other similar posts (in fact phoca download only mediates information between server and the browser - so if all limits in Phoca Download are checked and are not set to limit it - global configuration, menu link to UCP - ... -in-joomla )

then the only limits outside Phoca Download can be active :-( :idea:
