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Access the Direct Link option from User Upload?

Posted: 17 Feb 2012, 18:25
by toma01
Ever since I moved my Website I've had problems with downloading Word and Excel files from PocaDownload. The files just gets scrambled and unreadable. I discovered that if I checked the Direct Link option for the file using the backend admin everything works fine! :D

I want to allow my users to upload files from the front end. It work fine but there is no option for Direct Link. Can this be fixed or made possible somehow? If it also would be possible to set a document icon, it would be super! :twisted:

BR, Torbjorn

Re: Access the Direct Link option from User Upload?

Posted: 21 Feb 2012, 22:20
by Jan
Hi, setting direct link while frontend uploading needs to be customized in the code.

What caused the error while downloading the files from your server, really no idea, try to check the paths (maybe only some / is missing - so direct works but not indirect :-( :idea: )
