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Delete file: not on the server !

Posted: 02 Mar 2012, 18:18
by fredmccr

From the back end, I can put a file in the trash bin. It is therefore not visible anymore through the file manager of PhocaDownload.
Nevertheless, if I take a look at the "Upload" folder with a FTP client, the file is still there !!
Therefore, If I want to upload again the same file from the front end, I get an error message "File not uploaded" because the file is already present. I must give it a different name.

How can I fix that behaviour ?

PhocaDownload: 1.3.9
Joomla: 1.5.22 (I'm late I know ;) )

Re: Delete file: not on the server !

Posted: 06 Mar 2012, 23:21
by Jan
Hi, this feature works since 2.x version.


Re: Delete file: not on the server !

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 09:29
by fredmccr
Hi Jan,

I'm a bit surprised to see that this behaviour is only fixed by upgrading to version 2.x, which means also upgrading first from Joomla 1.5 to at least 1.6.
As I told you on another topic, I don't plan to move to 1.6 because many of my extensions are not compatible and I cannot waste a lot of time searching for alternatives and fix bugs.
The fact that the file is not deleted on the server must be considered as a bug. What you did to fix it in v2.x is not an extra functionality but should be considered as the normal way to work of PhocaDownload. Therefore, the correction should have been applied to ALL versions, including 1.3.
Please consider providing a bug fix also on 1.3.
Thanks :wink:

Re: Delete file: not on the server !

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 20:24
by Jan
Hi, it is not a bug, it is feature - see more posts where I am explaining why there are advantages for independent database and filesystem layer. So the parameters were added in some version to have more possibilites.


Re: Delete file: not on the server !

Posted: 05 Jul 2012, 22:51
by nurken
How to make a transliteration of the name when downloading files from the frontend
Phoca Download 2.1.6
for example:
нуркен.doc (cyrillic) to nurken.doc (Latin alphabet)


Re: Delete file: not on the server !

Posted: 06 Jul 2012, 11:12
by nurken
I 'd like to make a suggestion, to store the files like phpbb does. For example the file:


may be uploaded as 0xdw3e334430455885 . So there is some encoding done by the program.

You may have this as an option.

It's good the web page visitors to be able to download the files in non-english format.


Re: Delete file: not on the server !

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 13:45
by Jan
Hi, added into feature request list.
