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Pressing download just refreshes page

Posted: 03 Mar 2012, 19:13
by stevek007

I have Joomla 2.5.1 installed, and all the phoca download components installed, and enabled.

I have added a category to the Phoca download page, also added a licence and also one file to download.

All seems correct.

I have created a page and inserted into the page the code to download the file with the phoca download button that is included in the editor.

Now the page display correctly, ie there is a link and icon that when I click on, goes to a new page where I can select a download button.

When I press the button nothing appears to happen apart from the page refreshes. No download dialogue box.
Also, on this same page, when I press on the categories button, (small green button with a white triangle in it) I get a 500 error.

The error is

500 - View not found [name, type, prefix]: phocadownload, html, phocadownloadView ... etc

Can someone please help.

Re: Pressing download just refreshes page

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 02:46
by Jan
Hi, try to enable php error reporting and debug mode to get info about the error. ... ent-errors