1.Detail Button->Modal Box / 2. Direk Link->new window
Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 17:36
I use Phoca Download Component 2.1.5 and Joomla 2.5.1 for the first time and I am not a PHP-Specialist.
Now I have two problems to solve:
1. In the options I select the detail button –> yes (modal box), because I would like to see the details in this box. On click the box will open and it shows the caption (class=”pdfv-name”), “Datei” (class="pd-filename-txt”) and “Keine Rechte zum Zugang zu dieser Kategorie vorhanden” (class=”pd-error”). Where I have to chance the rights?
2. I have some PDFs which should open directly. At the moment it opens in the same window, but I want it in a new window/tab. Where I can set a “_blank”?
Thank you for your help
<< Kay
I use Phoca Download Component 2.1.5 and Joomla 2.5.1 for the first time and I am not a PHP-Specialist.
Now I have two problems to solve:
1. In the options I select the detail button –> yes (modal box), because I would like to see the details in this box. On click the box will open and it shows the caption (class=”pdfv-name”), “Datei” (class="pd-filename-txt”) and “Keine Rechte zum Zugang zu dieser Kategorie vorhanden” (class=”pd-error”). Where I have to chance the rights?
2. I have some PDFs which should open directly. At the moment it opens in the same window, but I want it in a new window/tab. Where I can set a “_blank”?
Thank you for your help
<< Kay