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can't see different categories file in user upload

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 15:14
by sulfurdazoth

here is my problem

i created 2 categories

- categoriesupersuer
- categorieresp

i created 2 menus

-phocaupload (userupload)
-phocadownload (list of categories)


categorieresp rights

acces rights : resp (name of the user)
upload rights : resp
delete rights : resp

categoriesuperuser rights

acces rights : super user
upload rights : super user
delete rights : super user

in front end

in phoca upload

category display for super user
categoriesuperuser and i can delete the file

category display for resp
categorieresp and i can delete file

in phoca download

category display for super user : categoriesuperuser
category display for resp : categorieresp


categorieresp rights

acces rights : resp / super user
upload rights : resp/ super user
delete rights : resp/ super user

categoriesuperuser rights
same as first step

in frontend

in phoca upload

category display for super user
- categoriesuperuser and i can delete file
- categorieresp i can select the category but there's no file...

category display for resp
same sa fist step

in phoca download

category display for super user : categoriesuperuser / categorieresp and i can download file
category display for resp : same as first step

So, why i can't see the file in categorieresp in the second step and i would like to be able to erase this file when it will be visible.

Sorry for the details but i wanna show you exactly what is going on.

thanks in advance


Re: can't see different categories file in user upload

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 19:53
by Jan
- categorieresp i can select the category but there's no file...
were there some files uploaded by categoorieresp? He can only see own files there.
