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Why Error with FILE UPLOAD ???

Posted: 11 Mar 2012, 13:01
by Tracid74

I have a small issue with using PHOCA DOWNLOAD:
Details to my page:

Joomla 1.7.2
Poca Download Component: 2.1.6

I set in Options / General the Maximum Upload Size (Admin) to 10 MB
The PDF File I like to offer for downloading is 8.5 MB big

So I craeted a CATEGORY , than go to FILES , choose this category, go to Filename and try to upload the PDF File . And it always says UNABLE TO UPLOAD .. but no more details .

Than I tried to copy the file manually on my webspace to the folder phocadownload (cause that is where the file should end up, right ??) but than I have no cklue how to link it

Can anyone help please ? What am I doing wrong ??? :cry:

Re: Why Error with FILE UPLOAD ???

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 22:24
by Jan
Hi, check limits on your server, there can be limits for upload or post methods, etc. set on your server.
