Cannot find XML setup file
Posted: 13 Mar 2012, 10:10
Hey Jan!
I have a little problem and I would need your help to fix it:-)
I am running a Joomla 2.5 under IIS7.
First I installed Phoca Download without any problem. Than I tried to install Jcomments but I got this XML error:
"JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file"

Any idea maybe?
Than you very much and have a great day!
I have a little problem and I would need your help to fix it:-)
I am running a Joomla 2.5 under IIS7.
First I installed Phoca Download without any problem. Than I tried to install Jcomments but I got this XML error:
"JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file"

Any idea maybe?
Than you very much and have a great day!