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Direct download not working in component or plugin

Posted: 14 Mar 2012, 22:15
by griffin0991

I've been fighting with phocadownload through the last few versions trying to get direct linking to files to work. When I create a file and set Direct Link to "yes" I should be able to click on the download button and have the file start downloading right away, this does not happen. When I click on the file title or the download button I get taken to the file's own download page, and if I try to list files in an article via the download plugin, the links redirect to the parent category for some reason. Nothing regarding direct linking seems to work, anyone have any idea why?



Re: Direct download not working in component or plugin

Posted: 19 Mar 2012, 23:17
by Jan
Hi, did you set right direct link to file, see e.g. here: ... -component - all download links are direct links to external server.
