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Deleting files
Posted: 15 Mar 2012, 16:14
by Ulkiukas
Hi there,
I wanted to ask a stupid question, I have phocadownload, and users have only front end access. They can delete their uploaded files, but in server these files stays. they're deleted only when I'm deleting them from administrator or straight from server..
Is there any way to delete files from server from frontend?
thank You

Re: Deleting files
Posted: 19 Mar 2012, 22:56
by Jan
Hi, did you set it in parameters, that tha files should be removed from server too?
Re: Deleting files
Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 08:53
by Ulkiukas
Yes, but this feature deletes from server from administrator page only. when I delete file from web site (not admin) it stays on the server, but phoca do not show it (in admin or in web). and if feature overwrite is disabled, when you upload file with same name it says: "File not uploaded File already exists". That's how I found it.
Just found one interesting thing: when You upload file from administrator page, phoca uploads files here: [web_site]/phocadownload/
But if You upload from web page, phoca creates 10 random symbol folder for each user and path is like this: [web_site]/phocadownload/userupload/[10rand_symb].
maybe this is the problem why it won't delete this file?
Edited No. 2:
If I delete 10 random symbol folder from server and upload file again, it creates same 10 symbol folder

Re: Deleting files
Posted: 22 Mar 2012, 00:06
by Jan
Hi, in parameters you can set that uploaded files can overwrite existing file (so if it is the same, it will be overwritten)
File not removed in frontend - confirmed, will take a look at it for the next version.
Re: Deleting files
Posted: 28 Mar 2012, 08:27
by Ulkiukas
So, I'll be waiting for next version, hope it will be soon, 'cause it's not very good that server fills up with not needed files.. thanks for everything

Re: Deleting files
Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 15:11
by Jan
Hi, added to verion 2.1.7