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No front end display of categories or files after upgrade

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 15:25
by alankempster
I've been successfully running Phoca Download on a Joomla 1.5 site and am now setting up a new web site in Joomla 2.5.2. I've installed Phoca Download 2.1.6 and followed the migration instructions to copy my data over to the new database. All my categories and files are shown in the back end of Phoca (in the new site), but when I set up a menu item for either List Of Categories (Categories View) or List of Files (Category View), all I get is a blank page with "Powered by Phoca Download" at the bottom.

Any idea what I've done wrong?


Re: No front end display of categories or files after upgrad

Posted: 22 Mar 2012, 00:34
by Jan
Hi, are all files and categories authorized? Do they have right language?

Re: No front end display of categories or files after upgrad

Posted: 23 Mar 2012, 18:23
by alankempster
Yes, all files and categories are authorized and language = all. For some reason I'm now getting the dreaded 500 error message: 500 - View not found [name, type, prefix]: sections, html, phocadownloadView. I've read your article on this, and I can get plenty of messages onscreen when I set the Joomla 2.5.2 global config debug settings to on, but I don't understand any of it!

Re: No front end display of categories or files after upgrad

Posted: 23 Mar 2012, 19:50
by alankempster
Found it! I'm using AceSEF. Turning off SEF for Phoca Download in the AceSEF component solved the problem. I got the idea from this article on solving a similar issue with ARTIO JoomSEF: ... -not-found.

Re: No front end display of categories or files after upgrad

Posted: 17 May 2012, 07:18
by cuco11
Hi, I have same problem like alankempster - nothing display in frontend after upgrade to j2.5. I dont have any other component instaled. Files are public, authorized, published and set all languages. In administrator section is all ok, I see all files, all categories, I can add or remove files.
Please help.

Re: No front end display of categories or files after upgrad

Posted: 18 May 2012, 00:16
by Jan
Hi, try to resave category and some file in admin (recheck the permissions there), be sure, e.g. "public" is selected when saving category, etc.


Re: No front end display of categories or files after upgrad

Posted: 18 May 2012, 06:50
by cuco11
It works :-) Thank you very much Jan. Problem was in all categories (public and registered) and files with public rights. When I recheck permissions again, it start working.


Re: No front end display of categories or files after upgrad

Posted: 20 May 2012, 21:58
by Jan