Couple of questions

Phoca Download - download manager
Michael Meatball
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Couple of questions

Post by Michael Meatball »


I have just tested Phoca Download 2.1.6 & Joomla 2.5.3 - really a greta component. Though I have read documentation and played around backend options, I still have some questions:

Guests, display- and access rights

1. Is it possible display the details view of a file to guests without giving download access? I have only found out how to display the summary of a file to guests without giving download access.

2. I know how to adjust per file that guest can see the file description but not download the file. How can I adjust this category-wide or system-wide?

3. How can guests who click "download" be redirected to a specific page instead of the login-page?

User Uploads

4. How can I place a check box for uploaders to agree to our terms of service?

5. How can I offer uploaders a set of predefined licences (e. g. variations of creative commons)? It seems to me that only the admin can assign licenses to files.

6. How can a file-type-specific icon be automatically be assigned to a file when uploading that file?

7. Is it possible to define "required fields" in upload form?

8. How can I display a page after the user-upload saying: "Thanks for your upload. We will check your document and publish it within 48 hours."

9. Where can I download and check user-submitted files before authorizing them?

Thank you very much in advance for your kind help!

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Re: Couple of questions

Post by Jan »


1. for now only displaying it in category view :-(

2. there is no such option, needs to be customized

3. needs to be customized (try to search similar posts to redirect to own page instead of login page)

4. - 7. needs to be customized :-(

8. Joomla! system message feature is used, so you will see the system message (see documentation of Joomla!). You can customize this system message in langauge file.

9. You can see the file in administration (the item for this file)

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Michael Meatball
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Re: Couple of questions

Post by Michael Meatball »

Hello Jan,

thank you for your quick and helpful answers! :)

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