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Multiple uploading in back end
Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 17:45
by SparkBibo
I tried to search for this topic, but the embedded google site search was less than helpful.
I have used the back end ability to upload multiple files at a time. It worked great. I chose a category for the files prior to uploading them, but they do not show up in the front end.
It looks like I have to manually go through and add them to the files section now... doesn't this defeat the purpose of uploading multiple files?
How can I get them to show up automatically on the front end? I have a huge folder of files I am trying to post, but I don't want to do it one at a time.
Re: Multiple uploading in back end
Posted: 02 Apr 2012, 21:46
by Jan
Hi, sorry, I don't understand what you exactly means? ... if you have uploaded files in backend, you need to add them to the system e.g. with multiple add feature
Re: Multiple uploading in back end
Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 05:29
by SparkBibo
Yes, I know I can upload multiple files in the back end. What I am talking about is having them get entered into the database so they show up in the front end.
Re: Multiple uploading in back end
Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 13:33
by Jan
They are added, while clicking on save button in Multiple Upload view (if the folder are selected)
Re: Multiple uploading in back end
Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 13:56
by SparkBibo
Well, I have tried that. I made sure that I had a folder selected. I uploaded 5 files. They do not show up in the backend when I go look at the "files" sections in the phoca component. and they do not show up in the frontend.
Re: Multiple uploading in back end
Posted: 10 Apr 2012, 22:29
by Jan
Re: Multiple uploading in back end
Posted: 12 Apr 2012, 00:43
by SparkBibo
That link takes me to uploading multiple within Phoca Galery. My problem is with Phoco Download.
Re: Multiple uploading in back end
Posted: 12 Apr 2012, 04:20
by Reziun
I'm not quite sure if this will help at all. I tried the multiple upload on my own site using three Microsoft Office 2007 files. When I started I went down to multiple add and uploaded the files I wanted.
- Next, I selected the files I wanted to add (2nd section)
- Then I put the name in the title and the category as required.
- This allowed for the files to show according to my layout (which I am trying to get to a column display type layout unsuccessfully)
- The only problem I see currently is that they all show the same name on the backend.
That's all I can see for the current moment though.
Hope this helps!