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seperate download areas, sperate pages

Posted: 29 Mar 2012, 11:44
by amurdoch
Hi All

Im in the process of developing our intranet site at work - and phoca download has been a godsend - ive several sections linking guides etc in pdf form etc from an IT downloads page.

the problem comes where the HR department also needs an area for downloading documentation etc that would need to appear seperatly from the IT ones above.

is there a way to insert the component on multiple pages, displaying different areas (eg create a root category, IT and root category HR and have each page open each seperate section).

I also tried using the Phoca download plugin - and could insert in an article, a direct link to the relevant section (i could then just have a generic downloads page on the site, and the HR/IT page links to its own section) - only problem i found with this solution was using the plugin - the links open in a new window which is what im trying to avoid.

Any pointers would be really helpful.


Re: seperate download areas, sperate pages

Posted: 29 Mar 2012, 12:06
by amurdoch
actually, to save some people some time ive found a way to sort out a way around this - using the plugin, was my bad, the target needed to set to self eg:

phocadownload view=section|id=3|target=s

Re: seperate download areas, sperate pages

Posted: 02 Apr 2012, 23:37
by Jan