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Cannot display user list

Posted: 31 Mar 2012, 10:42
by psicografici
I have installed Phoca Download 2.1.6 on Joomla 2.5.1. Everything seems to work fine, but user list: list is simply empty! At the moment I'm testing the website with 3 users: a superadmin, a registered user and a publisher. None of them can be listed by Phoca Download user list.

Is there any plugin I should use to register users or something like that? Would you please help me with this issue?
Thank you very much! Regards

Re: Cannot display user list

Posted: 31 Mar 2012, 12:06
by psicografici
After many other attempts, I've just got users appear in that list only if they upload files from the frontend. Is that correct?
Anyway, I can set permissions on files (actually: on categories) from the category panel, right?
If so, I'm fine with that...
Thanks again!

Re: Cannot display user list

Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 18:56
by rslyra
Well, I am in the same point: no users.

I tried to upoad, but: "User Upload is disabled".

I can upload in the admin module, but this is not a solution.

Re: Cannot display user list

Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 19:28
by psicografici
I guess you have to enable user upload inside the category options (in the backend): select one or more users for that category and those users will become able to upload file inside that category.

Actually mine was a different problem. But I got maybe I just misunderstood the use of User List inside the backend.